The Misleading Labeling of Grass-Fed BeefThe labeling of grass-fed beef is concern for many producers and consumers in the United States. A significant portion of the beef labeled as "Product of U.S.A." is imported from overseas. This misrepresentation is allowed due to a current labeling policy by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). The need for clear, common-sense food labeling is evident to safeguard consumer interests and provide support to local grass-fed and grass-finished beef producers. (Yes, this might be a little self-serving. It’s also a bunch of B.S. too.) -- READ MORE --
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Today we will attempt to summarize the beef qualities of Dexter cattle. We could write many words describing the other fine attributes that make Dexter cattle a super breed, but we will save that for another day. Briefly, aside from great beef, Dexter cattle are hardy, more efficient at converting a variety of grass/forage to beef, produce more pounds per acre than most any other breed, are great mothers and have a calm disposition. Now, on to the meat itself… -- READ MORE -- |